Thursday, August 6, 2009

Sarah Palin: The Media's Un-acknowledged Shame

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Sarah Palin: The Media's Un-acknowledged Shame by Rev Michael Bresciani gay
At a time when the media is still sucking news from the big wave of pop star Michael Jackson's short and fiery life Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announces her resignation. News sources are in a frenzy to define the implications of her resignation all the while ignoring the real question of their own bad behavior.
At last Michelle Obama finally found some pride in America and with the help of Barack Obama the gays now have June as an entire month to celebrate their pride thanks to Obama's proclamation that it is 'gay pride month.' While no one has officially announced it the election year of 2008 and the 2009 inaugural year of the Obama Presidency might be called the years of shame for the media. No proclamations are likely.
The stories about Sarah Palin are fair game but the twists and spins added to them are not and will never be. Move over homophobia now there's Paliphobia. Is the media so afraid of the potential of the Palin run in 2012 that they thought only a four year beating until the starting gun was fired could assure them they won't get kicked out of the bed with the Obama administration?
After enduring the onslaught of newsmongers with insatiable hopes of dirt and sleaze directed both at her and her family, Palin's resignation may be the only act that still has an ounce of dignity in it in the last two years. Republicans may not be too happy with her decision but her family came long before her career as a politician.
The jokes of David Letterman and the article in Vanity Fair perhaps were the straw that broke the camels back but it is the total lack of fairness the media showed that is a scathing indictment against them. If the country had a media czar it would seem appropriate that at this point he or she would be offering a public apology to Palin and that very humbly. Perhaps the czar could hang his head in shame as the proxy for the entire band of media thugs who reveled in the indignities.
We have a media that thinks the story of the congressional race where the candidate has been known to dawn diapers in comedy skits is real news and the photo snaps of the President on the beach is titillation for the rest of us. Who are these heavily biased lug nuts and what have they done to the once respected field known as journalism?
The stories the media now ignores have become what real Americans are rolling around in their heads and they don't care if a pop culture icon steals the front page they are more concerned that one has stolen the oval office. It isn't just the question that World Net Daily's Editor Joseph Farah has raised, 'Where's the Birth Certificate' but now after the first 100 days many Americans are asking 'where's the Presidency?'
Our President has likened himself to Lincoln, JFK and FDR but is stuck with the label he has earned as a direct result of his actions. Cozying up to the gays recently he laughed and giggled and referred to them time and again as 'you guys.' That level of familiarity with that minority is juxtaposed against the growing coldness he is fostering with the average working taxpayer who now may not be working at all as the nation is seeing the highest un-employment rate in its history.
It is the waste, the pork and the nine trillion dollar deficit he has laden on the next generation of Americans that is foremost in the thoughts of the rank and file not whether the gays have finally come into their own. Is the media covering that honestly in all of its details...too risky?
If a person is known by their fruits as Christ said then names don't count for much. Looking at the first months of the Obama administration comes off as more of a full length featuring of Larry, Moe and Curly rather than Honest Abe, JFK and FDR, but to show it that way would make the media fruit look rotten as well.
Here is a far more important saying that applies to both the sickening bias the media has shown the Obama administration and the personal attacks and general disregard for the privacy and dignity of the Palin family. "...whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." (Gal 6:7)
The great law of reciprocation may not be recognized by everyone but it ignores no one. We will get back what we put out and that includes the media. The callous and undignified pursuit of sleaze and debate in today's media is already earning its keep. It is earning the well deserved deep mistrust of the American people.
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